Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have to take a few minutes to thank my little sister Tracey for helping out this last month. It started off a little shakey when she was staying out late with friends, staying up till 3 AM on facebook, texting all of the time, and inviting friends over to hang out the day after I got out of the hospital. I wasn't sure how things would go. Eventually we figured things out, and had a lot of fun. I can tell she has had her influence on my kids. Lizzy's song requests are "Big Girls are Beautiful", and "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. Thanks for getting up at 7 to help me get the kids ready for school, and making lunches. Thank you for watching Bella so I could get a nap, and for asking me if I was taking a nap instead of telling me I should because I'm grumpy. Thanks for pushing Lizzy on the swing for endless hours. Thank you for burping Isabella when she kept throwing up on you, and helping me change the endless poop machine. Thank you for helping to drive the kids to endless lessons. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh, and sorry about playing a joke on you. I still think it is funny that when I purchased your ticket I told them you were hearing impaired. I thought that was better then my usual Muslim meal that I order for you. I love you.

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