Monday, September 15, 2008

Isabella had a rough week

So the pop that they heard when Isabella was born, was her collar bone breaking. I noticed a huge bump by her neck last week and took her in for x-rays. It is healing nicely and the bump is calcium that should go away over the next few months. While we were at the doctors I had the doctor check to see what her biliruben count was, she was looking like a pumpkin. It was 23, so we had to cook her in a bilibed for 3 days and nights. She didn't enjoy that very much. To top it off, she gets a lot of kisses from Elizabeth and Joshua, who both happen to have colds. Even though we try to have them not kiss her face, they mostly all land on her face. So now she has a cold, so I get to sit up with her all night so she can breath. I think she is thinking it was a lot better inside my belly. We are still so happy to have her here.

Monday, September 8, 2008

SHE is finally here!

Well she is finally here. Isabella Anuhea weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces. My biggest baby yet. Joshua is still in denial that she is a girl, he really wanted a brother, but he still can't stop giving her kisses. Elizabeth can't help enough. Every time I change Bella's diaper, Lizzy has to change her baby dolls diaper. Every morning she bursts into my room around 6:30 to give "The Girl Baby" kisses. Since we didn't know what we were having, she was sure we were having a girl baby, so the name has stuck with Lizzy. Sarah has turned into the little mother and keeps begging Shane and I to stay in bed all day long so she can get the kids ready, and feed them their meals all by herself. It has been a little rough since Bella likes to stay up during the hours of 1 AM to about 5 AM, and she was born the same time school was starting. So needless to say I feel like I'm really out of the whole schedule. Life is great, and we are all doing well.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I've been so blessed

Well, I am suppose to be induced tomorrow. I think this post is more for me then for anyone else. I just wanted to remind myself why being pregnant has been such a great experience. Since I get so sick, it is so easy to remember all of the negative things about it, but some day when I look back, I want to remember all of the good as well.
1. The first 5 months, I could barely get off of the couch. Since I had two miscarriages with Elizabeth, I realized I was sick with them, but not as sick. So being really sick is a sign that my pregnancy is a good one. 2. Shane did all of the dishes for my first two trimesters, since I would look in the sink and start to throw up(I guess it was a good way to get out of dishes). 3. You really realize what great friends and family you have. Everyone was volunteering to help, taking my kids, bringing in meals, I love you all. 4. I get to see Amy Phip every week. She has come to my house and given me a massage almost every week since I've been out of my first trimester. 5. Exercise seems like the impossible dream. Since I've been out of it for so long, I'm kind of craving it. I can't wait. 6. I feel like I've been forced to slow down and enjoy every little thing with my kids. I already knew they were great, I just think I appreciate even more all of the joy they bring into our home, and how blessed we are to have them. 7. I have a great husband, and our relationship has only grown stronger through this experience. 8. Being sick gives you more time to read. I've probably read about 25 books over the last 9 months. I don't know when I'll have time for even one more, but it was fun while it lasted. 9. The miracle of prayer. I have been able to feel the prayers offered on my behalf, and have appreciated them more then anyone will ever know. 10. I was healthy enough to go to Europe twice with this pregnancy. Once with my Mom, and the second time with my Dad and all of my siblings. I have a great family, and had so much fun spending all of that time with them. This was a double blessing because I'm also thankful that in America we don't have to pay to use the toilets, which almost broke me in Europe. 11. I just can't wait to hold something in my arms again, that I know was with my Heavenly Father just moments ago. I feel so blessed that it is a bit overwhelming. I just needed to remind myself of at least a few reason's that the last nine months have been so great.