I hope that everyone is doing well this Christmas season. As I reflect back about the year, there are so many great memories. I was asking the kids things that they remembered the most, these are the things we all came up with. I also listed their favorite saying for the year.
Sarah "What can I help you with?"
1. Going water skiing with the cousins, and being able to water ski around the lake.
2. Being able to go off jumps at Brighton ski resort (and actually land them).
3. Boogie Boarding and crabbing with Grandpa in Hawaii.
4. Going to the Nutcracker Ballet with mom and Nana, and covering her eyes because the Arabian dance didn't have very modest costumes.
5. Getting baptized.
6. Having her first pet. Pearl, her baby chick.
Joshua "I was thinking that..."
1. Having his two broken feet healed.
2. Kissing Isabella, "because he says she is the cutest baby in the whole world".
3. Learning to read. And teaching himself addition, subtraction and multiplication (not bad for kindergarten).
4. Wall E, Kung fu Panda, Madagascar 2, and Bolt(he loves to be able to watch movies. Maybe it is because he doesn't get to do it very often).
5. When Lizzy and Bella as napping, coloring, puzzles, and playing the memory game with mom.
6. Riding his bike.
Lizzy "Absolutely I do"
1. Swimming with her goggles in the hot tub
2. Putting on makeup (mommy and Sarah are never happy when she gets into it).
3. Talking on the phone (every day she brings the phone and will request a phone call with a different person).
4. Waking up around 5 or 5:30 every morning and getting dressed all by herself in the dark, so she won't wake up everyone else. Then going into mommy's room saying she is hungry and needs dinner now.
5. Kissing and hugging Bella all day long.
6. Ballet with Elle
Bella "Waaaaaaa"
1. Smiled on her first day, and has never stopped smiling.
2. Breaking her collar bone when she was born. No one discovered it until I noticed her bump on her collarbone at 7 days. I took her into the doctor and just by chance asked them to test her biliruben. It was 22, 26 is the dangerous level that you don't want to get above. They had her sleeping in a bili bed within 2 hours.
3. Having the most loving brother and sisters. Never has enough kisses.
4. Hair that sticks straight up, nothing can keep it down.
(these are only guesses, he wasn't around when we were thinking of things)
1. Decorating is done in the house (he doesn't have to come home to new things every day).
2. The hot tub
3. Skiing, biking, basketball (although he does feel he doesn't get to do any of them enough).
4. Completing his first olympic size Triathalon.
1. Having a new baby.
2. Being able to go to Europe twice this summer. Once with my Mom, and the second time with Shane, all of my siblings and their spouses, and my Dad and his wife.
3. Biking the SLC Marathon while 5 months pregnant.
4. Bella sleeping through the night at 5 weeks.
5. Spending time with Shane and the kids (any moment is a treat).
6. The internet: shopping, blogging, facebook
It's been another great year. We can't wait to see what 2009 has in store for us. We wish everyone a healthy and happy new year.